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The Show
When you are a childless couple of
a certain age, everyone has sonograms
for eyes. They don’t just see an empty void inside us, they think we are the
void - the space where a baby should be. Anything else we do with our lives is
just trying to fill that void.
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But they can’t see

what we see

from the inside:

a heartbreakingly hilarious

world bursting with

adult diapers,

decades old porn dvds,

and enough

vaginal suppositories

to make you feel

like a maraca.

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to the


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Talking about infertility

alan and sam

co-creators of Die Trying

Meet Cute

Our six minutes flew by. We met at a speed dating event, and by the time the bell rang, we knew three things: Sam’s love of books, Alan’s love of puns, and that we needed to see each other again.


Over the next several years, we shared much more than we could have imagined in those initial minutes. We ate our way through Italy, drove an RV around Iceland with two friends, and travelled all over the U.S. We took cooking classes, hosted dozens of game nights with family and friends, and went on annual camping trips with cousins. Throughout these experiences, we talked about having a family. 

Kissing in the Rain

One rarely discussed aspect of infertility is that the decision-making process is endless. Do you do another round of IVF? Take a break? Try a new option for starting a family?

Making decision after decision is emotional and draining, and something we had to work out together. 

Happy Ending

Here's the other secret of infertility. Once people know about it, they are rooting for you in a way that you cannot imagine unless you've been through it. Which can be amazing, but also very intense. You might even start to feel the pressure that you need a happy ending to satisfy the needs of your friends and family.


But the definition of a happy ending needs to be a bit broader than bringing your newborn home from the hospital. And that's why we needed to create this show.

Who we are
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Spring 2021
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